All About Newsletter Marketing – 4 Winning Tips You Must Know

Building an email list is challenging. Yes! It takes time. Efforts. And money.

But is it still the final stop?

Well, what’s the point of creating a huge email list that we don’t send actionable newsletters to?

In this post, we will talk about how to do that efficiently?

Here are four newsletter marketing tips that you must know about.

1. Conversion Starts With First Impression

Have you ever come across an email that you just couldn’t resist opening?

What made you feel that way? You hadn’t even seen much of the mail anyway. Maybe just a subject line, the sender’s name or/and the initial message body?

Well, if we look closely, you had seen enough.

The sender’s name. Email’s subject line. And the initial few words of the message body. That’s enough to intrigue and even compel a prospect into opening an email.

Take this, for example.

Yes, that’s Neil Patel with an email marketing lead magnet.

Now, after reading the subject line of this email, I was about to “star” mark it for reading later. However, when I read the next part, I just couldn’t resist. Clicked open; instantly.

Isn’t that what we want for our newsletter campaigns?

Not impossible, after all. Just make sure your subject line and message body are really persuasive.

2. Work On The Design

Well, we know how a newsletter is way more than a normal article sent via mail.

Unlike articles and blog posts, newsletters can’t work without an attractive design. So, get in touch with your designer. Convey what you want to do. Mention if there are any specific needs and choose a newsletter design that best suits your content marketing content and brand.

3. Use Compelling Subtitles

Create great content for your newsletter.

Make sure it looks great.

Be regular.

Do this. Do that. And whatnot!

Certainly, the world has a lot to say. And it isn’t even wrong. However, creating a newsletter that has everything but interesting titles can turn out to be a waste of time and effort.

Think for yourself. What will encourage you to read an article if the title isn’t exciting?

Subtitles work the same way for your newsletter (and even articles). So, make sure you are doing them right.

One pro tip is to use subtitles to summarize what’s in that respective section. All-in-all, be intriguing and informative at the same time.

4. Be Clear, Concise and Compelling

Any newsletter marketing campaign can be divided into a few mini-goals.

The first goal is to be clicked-open. Second, to be aesthetic. Third, to be comprehensive. And fourth, to be read through and to convert.

In the sections above, we talked about the first three goals. This is where we talk about creating content that is read and can convert.

And honestly, it’s easy.

All you need to do is ensure that your content is:

  • Clear with words: Free from ambiguities of all types. Not making users assume information. Easy to read and understand.
  • Concise with length: No filler words or sentences. Differentiating between interesting and overburdening build-ups.
  • Compelling: Try to ensure that your marketing campaign’s goals are being fulfilled through your newsletters. The idea is to create content that encourages users to take action towards your offer.

Final words

One of the most classic and oldest ways of digital marketing, email is still effective in 2020.

But, it can’t work until we do.

In this post, we talked about four newsletter marketing tips that every marketer must know about.

Hopefully, this was helpful.